
2023-06-21 16:40:03       來(lái)源:嗶哩嗶哩

Text 1?


The occasional drought can be dealt with by recourse to reservoirs or groundwater. When droughts become prolonged and/or frequent, such alternatives dry up. As a result, some modelling suggests that at 3℃ of global warming, more than a quarter of the world’s population would be exposed to extreme drought conditions for at least one month a year.


California’s megadrought, which has affected the water supply for consumption, sanitation and irrigation as well as fueling record-breaking fires, gives a glimpse into what this could look like for large swathes of the planet, almost all of which face far higher hurdles to adaptation than one of America’s richest states (albeit one with a high number of poor people).








This does not necessarily mean that every crop is at risk of heatwaves, or that the world will face a structural food shortage. Some arable land will be blessed with a useful increase in rain, and the fields farmed by Goldilocks may be spared a concomitant increase in flood risk. Temperate climates will benefit from longer growing seasons, and some crops will also benefit from higher carbon-dioxide levels, since it is the raw material of photosynthesis. Although the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that cereal prices might be 29% higher under 3℃ of warming, putting 183m people at additional risk of hunger, it also sees it as possible that they might hardly shift at all. (232 words)


Text 2?

The continued pursuit of economic growth by western societies is more likely on balance to reduce rather than increase social welfare. Technological innovations may offer to add to men’s material opportunities. But by increasing the risks of their obsolescence it adds also to their anxiety. Swifter means of communications have the paradoxical effect of isolating people; increased mobility has led to more hours commuting; increased automobilization to increased separation; more television to less communication. In consequence, people know less of their neighbors than ever before.


Virtually every economist agrees that these concerns are valid, though many question whether economic growth is their major cause. Nevertheless, they all emphasize that pollution of air and water, noise and congestion, and the mechanization of the work process are very real and very serious problems. There is every reason for society to undertake programs that grapple with these problems. (145 word)


Text 3


Once I bumped into a sentence in a prose book that says, “Only a?city?with a rich intellectual?life?has and deserves gourmet food.”

有文化的地方,不能處理成cultural place, 因?yàn)閏ultural place可以指文化景點(diǎn),如博物館,故宮一類,這些地方并不會(huì)經(jīng)營(yíng)美食。

可以處理成: culturally enriched city/place, a city/place with a rich intellectual life

美食是 gourmet food; good food勉強(qiáng)可以,不如gourmet準(zhǔn)確,但是考慮到問題是散文,用語(yǔ)可以不用那么嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)。


It implies that culture, which is derived from reading, has a lot to do with gentility. However rich a person is, without culture, mere a parvenu/ a nouveau riche is he/she called by others. In contrast, a rich and cultivated man is addressed and described by others in a?different way.?Therefore, reading is of great significance to everyone.

暴發(fā)戶:upstart/ parvenu / nouveau riche

息息相關(guān):have a lot ot do / is closely combined/linked/related with/to


It matters not only for the sake of making more money, but for acquiring wisdom, for cultivating yourself, boosting your personal charm, broadening your horizon, and making your mind stronger.

個(gè)人魅力: personal charm/ charisma?


Since a well-read person is both culturally and spiritually enriched, he/she naturally boasts of an aura much better than that of a privileged upstart.?



Usually, well-read people base their living on a higher plane of spiritual existence than that of average people, and this is mainly manifested in their manners of treating others and conducting themselves.?


In a spiritual context, a well-cultivated man is superior to others in his morals, which you can tell from his manners of treating others and conducting himself.

譯法1按原文保留了比較抽象的說法,譯法2把精神層面具體化為了“morals” 道德。?

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