環(huán)球熱消息:corresponding author_corresponding

2023-05-23 16:42:55       來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)


1、correspond to: 與...相當,相稱,相等correspond vi 在句子中作謂語,因為是不及物動詞,所以,加to+名詞.eg. The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美國的Congress(國會)相當于英國的Parliament (國會).corresponding to:corresponding to: 相應(yīng)的;相當于;與...相當corresponding adj. 或 現(xiàn)在分詞corresponding to在句子中作狀語,定語eg.It has name corresponding to the facts.它有著與事實相符的名稱。

2、(定語)Corresponding to this conceivable scenario is a world W in which heat sensations are caused by something other than the motion of molecules.對應(yīng)這個可設(shè)想的,是一個世界W,在其中熱感被某種不是分子運動的東西導(dǎo)致。



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